full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alex Gendler: Building the world's largest (and most controversial) power plant

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When the project was completed in 2012, China became the world’s largest producer of electricity. In 2018, the dam generated 101.6 billion kilowatt-hours. That’s enough electricity to peowr nearly 2% of China for one year; or to power New York City for almost two yreas. This is a truly astonishing amount of energy. And yet, two years earlier, another dam less than half the size actually getraened more electricity. Despite Three Gorges record-setting scale, the iaitpu Dam still produced more power.

Open Cloze

When the project was completed in 2012, China became the world’s largest producer of electricity. In 2018, the dam generated 101.6 billion kilowatt-hours. That’s enough electricity to _____ nearly 2% of China for one year; or to power New York City for almost two _____. This is a truly astonishing amount of energy. And yet, two years earlier, another dam less than half the size actually _________ more electricity. Despite Three Gorges record-setting scale, the ______ Dam still produced more power.


  1. itaipu
  2. years
  3. power
  4. generated

Original Text

When the project was completed in 2012, China became the world’s largest producer of electricity. In 2018, the dam generated 101.6 billion kilowatt-hours. That’s enough electricity to power nearly 2% of China for one year; or to power New York City for almost two years. This is a truly astonishing amount of energy. And yet, two years earlier, another dam less than half the size actually generated more electricity. Despite Three Gorges record-setting scale, the Itaipu Dam still produced more power.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
power plant 3
itaipu dam 2

Important Words

  1. amount
  2. astonishing
  3. billion
  4. china
  5. city
  6. completed
  7. dam
  8. earlier
  9. electricity
  10. energy
  11. generated
  12. gorges
  13. itaipu
  14. largest
  15. power
  16. produced
  17. producer
  18. project
  19. scale
  20. size
  21. years
  22. york